“You’re too sensitive…”

Let me take a guess and say you’ve heard that before.

maybe a million times before.

Your days feel like a slog. You have low energy, are irritable and edgy. Your emotions are running the show. The little things are starting to bother you more and more, and other people just don’t seem to “get” it.

The world just seems like TOO much: the lights, the noise, the smells even.

And people are getting, well, too people-y. 

You feel like you just aren’t welcome in this harsh world.

Illustration of six things highly-sensitive people struggle with including anxiety and depression, weak boundaries, overwhelm, perfectionism, poor self esteem, and people pleasing.
Girl holding her head in her hands.

It feels like you’ve tried everything.

You’ve tried the meditation apps. The deep breathing. The therapy. And nothing seems to actually address what you’re struggling with: the overwhelm, the pervasive anxiety, feeling like you’re constantly exhausted just by existing. 

You feel like your sensitivity is a flaw, weakness, and a burden that’s holding you back from the life you really want: to be confident, self-assured, and free from the constant anxious thoughts and overwhelm.

You see other people seemingly breeze through their days with no issues and think, “if they can do it, why can’t I?” 

You want to feel more “normal.” In control. 

You’re tired of feeling the way that you do. 

You’re stuck and just need some relief.

  • You come home from work each day not 100% drained and ready to collapse, but you still have energy to cook a healthy dinner and spend quality time with your partner. 

  • You confidently say “no” to those plans you were dreading (without the gnawing guilt and worry) and instead spend that time the way YOU want (think: a chill movie night with your best friend). 

  • You can stand that loud, crowded restaurant with the harsh overhead lighting and communal seating.

  • You can brush off criticism from your boss, and know that your self-worth doesn’t come from other people

  • You tackle a Saturday afternoon at Trader Joe’s and Costco, no biggie. 

  • You actually love your sensitivity trait, instead of viewing it as something that’s holding you back.

If this all feels like a fantasy, keep reading… 

Picture this…

Believe it or not, 20% of people (that’s 1/5!) have Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS).

AKA “High Sensitivity.”

That is to say: there’s nothing wrong with you and there’s so many more people out there like you. 

Many highly-sensitive people feel like they’re just trying to make it through the day without crashing and burning. 

The good news is, you don’t have to just “make it” through your life (you were put on this planet for SO much more than that!), you can move through your life with confidence, peace and energy wherever you go.

And I can’t wait to show you how!

You’re not alone in feeling this way.

Grace smiling holding the Highly Sensitive Person book by Elaine Aron.

1:1 High Sensitivity Coaching

Here’s what it looks like to work together

The high sensitivity coaching process. Phase 1: learn. Phase 2: build. Phase 3: grow.

What’s High Sensitivity Coaching?

High Sensitivity Coaching is my 6-session, 1:1 coaching intensive designed specifically for highly-sensitive people. This 3-month program is focused on helping you build sensitive self-care habits that calm your nervous system and develop more resilience as an HSP.

We work together to help you:

  • Feel more confident and build self-esteem

  • Build healthy, sustainable habits that reduce your overwhelm

  • Create strong boundaries that help you live life on your terms

  • Develop more self trust so you can feel like your sensitivity empowers you, not holds you back

What can I expect?

By the end of three months, you will

  • Feel more comfortable in busy, stimulating environments (without wanting to run right out the door) 

  • Confidently say “no” and not feel guilty about it 

  • Understand that you’re not “crazy” or “weird” or “different” 

  • Finally feel like someone “gets” you and your struggles 

  • Understand how to intuitively care for your sensitive brain and body

  • Prioritize self-care with ease and regularity 

  • Learn how to balance your energy to avoid fatigue and exhaustion

  • Build a toolbox of coping skills to tackle life’s overwhelm

“Grace has outstanding listening skills and coaching strategies. Our sessions together resulted in personal revelations and breakthroughs.
I became more self-aware and better able to navigate obstacles in a way I could not do alone. I am happy I found Grace and look forward to coaching with her more!”

- Cassie H.

You deserve to be well, HSP

I get it. Life is expensive, and that doesn’t seem to be changing anytime soon. 

But you know what else isn’t changing? 

Your sensitivity. 

Your sensitivity is with you for life, HSP–it’s not just going to go away. 

For the cost of a new smartphone, you could transform the way you live with a core quality of who you are that affects nearly every aspect of your life.

Instead, you could replace the unhealthy (not to mention, expensive) coping habits with ones that actually help contribute to a healthier you, and stop wasting your time chasing other self-help methods that get to the root of your problems.

Coaching your trait means growing a core aspect of who you are. It has the potential to create positive change throughout so many other areas of your life: your career, your passions, your relationships, you name it. 

Investing in your own health is a radical act of self care.

You deserve to give back to yourself as much as I know you do to others.

What’s Included in 1:1 Coaching:

  • 6, 1:1 hour-long sessions with me

  • Email recaps and reflection prompts

  • Between-session email support

The best part: The benefits of coaching last well beyond our time together. You create life-changing practices that can easily be sustained over time.

Ready to say goodbye to the draining days and hello to the best, fullest version of you?

Apply for 1:1 High Sensitivity Coaching!

“I signed up for coaching with Grace because the coping skills I had been using were not working. Grace’s coaching technique made me feel seen and heard. At the end of my 3 months, I felt equipped and empowered to set boundaries, use my voice, start self-care habits that keep me on track and finally accept myself as I am!”

- Gina V.

From one HSP to another…

I get it–it can be exhausting to go through life as an HSP.

As an HSP myself, I understand what it’s like to go through your life feeling like you’re different and weird. To exist in a fast-paced modern world that does not make highly-sensitive people feel welcome or comfortable. I’ve walked in your shoes and have reached the other side of the overwhelm and anxiety that you’re currently in the thick of.

As a certified health and wellness coach skilled in research-backed behavior-change techniques and positive psychology, I understand what does and does not work for a highly-sensitive person when it comes to approach and coaching style. 

Making changes can be hard. You need and deserve a coach who understands your trait deeply, to keep you accountable to that change, and who can help you facilitate the change you want to see in yourself. 

You don’t have to do this alone.

    • You’re ready to build new habits, set boundaries and understand yourself better than ever before

    • You’re okay with getting uncomfortable and digging deep inside yourself

    • Your health and wellness is a top priority to you

    • You’re willing to make a monetary investment in yourself

  • $810 paid in full or $275/mo for 3 months

  • No! Reducing your sensitivity is not the goal. Your sensitivity is not to be diminished, it’s to be nurtured.

    That said, we will develop tools to reduce your feelings of anxiety, overwhelm and overstimulation, and emotional reactivity that are often the culprits of making “being sensitive” not so fun.

  • You get complete understanding and non judgment about your unique trait, disposition and preferences. The program takes into account your unique gifts, needs and requirements as a HSP, so we work with your trait instead of yet another situation where you have to work against it.

    Unlike other coaching programs, High Sensitivity Coaching is not a rigid, tell-you-what-to-do and check-the-box type program. It’s slower-paced, gentler, while at the same time actionable and goal-oriented.


    • You’re struggling just to get out of bed, let alone take on new responsibilities

    • You’re in a lot of pain and need a therapist to provide you mental health treatment

    • You’re already an expert in integrating your sensitivity into your life

    • You don’t want to put in the work (i.e. be uncomfortable) to change

  • HSPs make excellent clients because it’s easy for them to make connections quicker than the average person. It’s natural for them to make powerful insights about themselves because they know themselves and their inner worlds so deeply. This is what makes HSPs great clients who can get a lot out of coaching.

    But, there are no guarantees in life. Ultimately, what you put in, you get out. YOU are the master of yourself and are the only one who can change things for you.

  • Coaching and therapy share some similarities, like being talk-based and focused on improving the health and wellbeing of clients. In both coaching and therapy, you should expect your coach or therapist to be supportive, encouraging, and nonjudgmental.

    One primary difference is that therapy can provide you with a diagnosis and treat mental disorders. Therapy also tends to focus more on the past, such as working through trauma or childhood experiences.

    Coaching is more focused on building the future you want. It’s highly actionable and goal-oriented, through which you can improve your wellbeing to an even greater level than before.

  • High Sensitivity is not a disorder or a diagnosis. And while there’s no litmus test to definitively say you are or are not an HSP, take my quiz to get an idea of your sensitivity levels.

    The questions asked are based on the models used by researchers to study the high sensitivity trait.

Being highly-sensitive can really feel like you have this complex supercomputer brain and body and no one thought to give you a manual for it. 

And for probably years, you’ve struggled with just existing as a sensitive person in this chaotic and unwelcoming world. 

Let’s face it: it’s EXHAUSTING living the way you are. It’s unsustainable. But I’m here to tell you that there is another way to live life as a sensitive person. 

One where the world doesn’t completely drain you. Where your anxiety and emotions don’t rule your life. Where you don’t feel guilty or selfish putting yourself first. Where you can feel a sense of safety in your body wherever you go. 

I’m here to help you step into your true power as a sensitive person by showing you how to care for that essential part of who you are. 

Because it’s my deep belief that once you start tending to your sensitivity, all else falls into place.

Discover a new way of living as an hsp

Better days are coming–are you ready?